Patient and public involvement 

Patient recruitment and involvement of the public in setting research priorities

peer review and study development

The group offers detailed advice on feasibility, such as potential numbers of investigators and patients in each site.

Connecting trainees to collaborative research

Please contact us if you are involved in a  local Trainee Research Network (TRN)


Involving partners in eye charities and industry

Ophthalmology is a rapidly growing research area in the UK recruiting 10-15,000 patients to research trials annually and involving most NHS Trusts. Ophthalmology has the largest demand on outpatient departments in the country and this is increasing.

The UK-wide Ophthalmology Clinical Research Strategy will help tailor research to meet this demand, exploring the areas of unmet need in the population and facilitating a non-commercial and commercial ‘research pipeline’ of therapies and technologies, which should encourage more coordinated funding streams.